Friday, April 1, 2011


Hi! Sorry for the ELEVEN DAY LATE post! Today, I'd like to show you two pictures from two comicbooks. One is from Adventure Comics No. 366 (March 1968), the Legion of Super-Heroes' clubhouse:

The second one is of the same clubhouse, a little later, from The Legion's Lost Home (1975), which takes place a little later: (Click on it for a better view.)

So what happened? In the first picture, the clubhouse was totally decimated, but it the second picture, the top fin was just dented a little! Plus, Cosmic Boy said that the Fatal Five "left it a total wreck"! Not to mention Shadow Lass was a member of the Legion for roughly 24 hours, so it's a little odd she would feel nostalgic for the old clubhouse. My guess is that they repaired most of the exterior damage, but then decided completely repairing the whole thing wasn't worth it. Besides, they already had plans for the new one.
Oh, well. I guess I'll just never know for sure. (Sorry also for the bad scan.)

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