Reference and the Like

Here are some comicbook research tools and collections:
1. Mark Engblom's now discontinued blog, Comic Coverage.
2. The blog Silver Age Comics.
3. Yet another blog, Confessions Of A Superman Fan.
4. Chris Ryall and Scott Tipton's Comic Books 101, sold in bookstores (almost) everywhere.
5. Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics, also sold in bookstores (almost) anywhere.
6. The Multnomah County Library's comicbooks. Located in Portland, Oregon, it has a nicely sized comicbook reprint collection.
7. Floating World Comics, a comicbook store in Portland, Oregon. Rated as one of the best comicbook stores in the country, it's definitely worth going to.
I've been to and read some of them all, and they're great! So check out one of them.
How to buy a DC comicbook online:
To decide on a comicbook, see the cover by clicking here. To read the summary for it, click here and type in the book's name. And finally, to find the price and buy it click here and type in the issue's number.