Monday, December 27, 2010


Hi! Today, after Christmas, I'm going to tell you how, shockingly, there was a mistake in a comicbook! And, when it was written about in the letters pages, unlike some letters that were explained away, like this one I found on my favorite blog

replied like this:

So, here's the letter, from a cool website I found:

Dear Editor: In "The 100 New Feats of Superboy," the Boy of Steel says, "And while I've often endured the sun's heat of 20 billion degrees, I've never visited this star, the hottest in the universe - over 10 billion degrees." I'm sure this is a 100% goof! -Bob Rozakis, Elmont, N.Y.

(Oops! It looks like the Bizarros got some of their whacky mathematics into this story, too! Seriously, the sun's heat should have been given as 20 million degrees. -Ed.)

If you find any more goofs in comics, please let me know in the comments. Bye!

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