Today, as you can guess from the title, I am going to present one of the best comicbooks on Earth, also known as Amazing Spider-Man #31, If This Be My Destiny...!
The first reason is its awesome cover, as shown here. Notice Spider-Man's head in the middle of the spider, surrounded by scenes from the book. Plus, the catchy title.
The second reason is, of course, the storyline. It starts out with Spidey chasing a helicopter that's holding robbers that have stolen atomic machines. He fails to catch them or the machines, though.
Then, it cuts to Peter Parker enrolling in college. He's pretty happy that he's signed up, but when he comes home, Aunt May becomes extremely sick, and has to go to the hospital.
He's so worried, when he comes to his first day of college, he doesn't pay attention to anyone, and they think he's snubbing them. His life is a mess now.
And the third thing is that it kicks of a fantastic Spider-Man storyline that involves Doc Ock, an undersea base, and Spider-Man's super-strong will.
In conclusion, I'd have to say it is one of the best comicbooks in known history.
Hi Evan - great post - it makes me really want to read it! Too bad about Aunt May's hospitalization though. I tried to click on the link but it said it was invalid - just thought you'd want to know.