Hi! Today, I'm going to talk about Adventure Comics No. 240: "The Super-Teacher From Krypton!" (September 1957). It's a little silly, but it has good art, and the plot is OK.
The story opens with the students of Smallville starting a week-long vacation. (I think it's pretty appropriate to talk about this comicbook so close to spring break.) Clark Kent hurries to Pa Kent's general store to help out, but on the way to the store, he sees something like a missile with his telescopic vision.
He changes to Superboy, and flies up to meet whatever the missile-like thing is, and it is revealed that it is a robot from Krypton that's been searching for Superboy "all over the universe", and the robot's origin is told. (Click on the pages for a better view.)

Superboy complete the tests, and tries to do the others, but he doesn't do them very well, as if he
did do them well, he would endanger people. Then comes the second-to-last-test on ingenuity. He has to do super feats in Smallville like he usually would, but here's the catch: He has to do them as Clark Kent. When he does them (pushing over a chimney, holding up and moving two statues, and lifting up a tree), he admits that he, Clark Kent, is Superboy. Fortunately, Ma and Pa Kent pretend they didn't know anything about it.
Thankfully, Clark makes a Superboy costume out of a wire frame, and attaches four long, strong wires. He then hurls it at superspeed towards the teacher robot, who had been flying overhead, watching Clark, and it (the costume) slips onto the robot. People see the wires attached to "Superboy" flying overhead, and assume that Superboy really did the feats instead of weak, meek Clark Kent. Clark says that it was a hoax he had done to prove Lana Lang wrong about her suspicions that Clark Kent was Superboy, and Lana, naturally, is embarrassed.
"Moments later",

So, as you saw, it's a little silly, but nonetheless an okay story. You can read the full version
here. Bye!